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Shown is a map of where the accessible parking spaces are in relation to the Purcellville Train Station. The two markers which aren't labeled as the train station represent the locations of the parking spaces, and the lines represents the pathway to get to the accessible entrance of the train station. There are two accessible parking spaces in the same parking lot as the Train Station, but located diagonally from the entrance, and there are 3 more spaces across the street from the Train Station.

Shown are the two accessible spaces in the same parking lot as the Train Station, which are in a diagonal direction from the Train Station entrance. Neither of these spaces are van accessible. To access the entrance ramp, visitors cannot go through the parking lot, but rather to the sidewalk and around. When taking this accessible route, these spaces are approximately 190 feet from the Train Station entrance.

Shown is how to get to the sidewalk from the two spaces in the same parking lot as the Train Station. It should be just across the parking lot.

Shown is the curb ramp to get on the nearest sidewalk. The curb ramp is not steep, wider than 36 inches, and has a textured surface as well.
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Last updated:
Sep 7, 2021

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(540) 338-7421
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Accessibility Notes
This facility needs to be rented out, please contact the Purcellville Town Hall with the number on this page to learn more. Please let them know of any particular seating arrangements or accommodations you would like when calling ahead.
There are two accessible parking spaces in the same parking lot as the Train Station entrance, but to access the entrance ramp, visitors should get on the sidewalk and walk around to the entrance ramp rather than going through the parking lot.
There are 2 van accessible parking spaces across the street from the Train Station, but the sidewalk before crossing the street is a little steep.
The right part of the building is historic and the doorframes are less than 30 inches wide, however the left part of the building is newer and more accessible.
This facility needs to be unlocked when arriving, and locked back up when leaving, which requires twisting of the wrist.
There is an accessible bathroom.
Click the black "Accessibility Test Results" button at the top of this page to view in-depth accessibility metrics for this business!
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